IDK I just love cherry blossoms so much
I had a good spring vacation, what about you?
Hey, I'm back in Alaska, and back in school. ugh.
I left on Friday the 8th, and got in to Seattle in the evening. Let me just say that it was the equivalent to the Odyssey.
So my host mom printed out my boarding pass online, and she couldn't do anything but click the "unaccompanied minor" box on the page. She payed 20 extra dollars to unknowingly have me guarded 24/7 like a piece of freaking luggage. (of course, that wasn't her fault.... I didn't know until I got on the flight.) They then told her, when we got to the check out counter, that she had to escort me to my gate, and wait until the plane PULLED OUT. Not until I was on the plane, but until it left.
That then escalated to getting in to Seattle airport, and hearing suddenly that my auntie had to PICK me UP from the gate. She was then called, and went on a wild goose chase that lasted about two hours, (keep in mind that I got in at 10:00 pm) and finally they just took me to baggage claim where we met up. Never again. NEVER FREAKING AGAIN. Thank the goddess that's all over.
The next day, (Saturday) we woke up and drove to Portland. We got there and stopped by the mall, (omg childhood mall! >7< I still remember where everything is!) and looked around a bit before meeting up with my good friends, Cienna, and Heather.
lol we're all still the same
Cienna's mom set this whole thing up for us, and I have to thank her immensely for making this happen. It was more than I could have wished for! ^u^
We had a great time swimming, goofing off, making t-shirts, talking, claiming waifus (Raiko is MINE), and watching movies. (Millennium Dragon, Get Smart, and Howl's Moving Castle.)
It was great to catch up to you guys! You never change do you. ^v^
Thanks Cienna for the pics. Didn't have any of my own! >7<
Next was a meeting with two other 3rd grade friends, and that got a bit awkward....... oh well, what do I expect I guess. We then ran into Cienna again at bubble tea, and so got to see her again for a bit before going to Uwajimaya! *Q* My favorite store forever and ever! (hasn't changed either.)
After going to Uwajimaya we drove to my BFF's house for dinner, and got to see the family again! Missed you guys a lot, and even though it was for a short time, I enjoyed it. ^u^ Wish it was longer...
After that, we left the Brieher's house, and crashed at another family friend's house that we haven't seen for ages. To tell you the truth, they didn't change at all. Sure Timothy is just as tall as usual, but the personality of him and his little sister, Dasha, are unwavering. >w< Seriously though. I just felt like I went though a time warp with this whole experience. Thank you so much for the hospitality, and it was wonderful seeing you all!
Last but not least, the next day we headed out, and visited Powell's book store. (I want to work there some day~ or maybe just as a part time job.) Got some great books! We had to bypass Voodoo Donuts, sadly, because we were in a hurry to get out and back, and there was a line out the door.
Oh! we also visited the Japanese Gardens.
Sorry for the bad quality. This was taken by a video camera, and it was raining.
That pretty much sums it up for part one of Spring Break.
<3 Cranberry
For you