Monday, February 11, 2013

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Happy Chinese New Year!
~year of the snake~

Picture by ~Niking on deviantart.

 Greetings in the new year my little snakelets! 
I don't actually know if that's a word.

How are you all doing? Good I hope! I am doing better than before and haven't had any homesickness attack lately. I've made some great friends and allies, and my artistic passion has reached a new level. (must be the weather.) I got a little piece of home in which my german class decided to celebrate Fasching today! It was nice. The bad news is that I had to drop art for another hour of math tutoring...........
Doesn't mean I'll stop drawing though! (^7^)/
I have been constantly interviewing artists and there are many kind and supporting people who replied and gave me some suggestions! It's great to be part of such a loving community.

So this is going to be a very short post.
The main reason I decided to post today is not only because of Chinese New Year, but because of what I saw on the weekend. So on Friday I left for a camp in the mountains with the family, and we had lots of fun in the snow! (I'll post some pictures later) I went back to Anchorage with my host parents early on Saturday, and we got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half. A car was flipped on the side of the road so it was pretty extreme. It became dark on the way home.
We were driving through a (I don't even know what to call it. It had stores like target and gas, and some houses..... like a little city...) and we saw this in the sky:

I hope you can see it, but it's the little specks in the sky.

We first thought they were stars, but Anne didn't recognize any constellations, and then we got a bit closer, we realized that they were Chinese New Years lanterns! It was so pretty, like a million little lights in the sky~ The moment was truly magical, and I only saw them for a few minutes until we were too far away to see them anymore. Here's an example of what they look like:

There were far too few to be like this, but they were more spread out, and looked beautiful. ^7^
That made my night!

Happy Year of the Snake,


I would also like to make aware of an amazing youtube artist, who is singing "From the Ground Up" an original Minecraft song, that you may have heard on my blog! Her voice is beautiful. if you haven't, go to the top, and skip to that song RIGHT NOW.



Here's a link to her channel: