Hello my beautiful and frosty snowflakes~
lol Jack Frost is just way too adorubu.
So, I'm just going to be posting a short post today about a few things I noticed and remembered about American culture or just something you don't have where I come from.
First of all, American children must pledge alliegence to the US flag every morning which I find EXTREMELY AWKWARD AND CONFUSING. I mean seriously, yes it's okay to be loyal to your country and all, but really, every morning saying the same thing and facing a flag for 2 minutes? It's like no logic there. It's kind of taking the patrioticness a little too far in my opinion. And it's kinda weird.
Really America? I sort of doubt that many other places do that on a regular basis like the USA.
The other thing is that this week in my high school we have something called 'Spirit Week'. It's a bit like Fasching in my opinion...... and it's around that time too! There is a theme for each day of the week, (for example, today was cowboys, and yesterday was twins day) and you can either dress up, and enter a raffle, or if you don't feel like it, you can just enjoy everyone's costumes and dress normal. I dressed normal because I don't really have that much with me. I think the most I will be able to participate in is Think Pink friday, where I do have a bright pink hoodie. (thats about it though.)
I would also like to openly wish my Oma a happy birthday!
<3 You Oma!
Valentines day is coming up you guys!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend you're going to spend it with? a special crush?
I don't.
I think I'll eat chocolate and read shoujo all day.
In the manga section.
and cry.
yeah that sounds about right.
Well, I love you guys and thanks for following me~
I promise to fix the comments problem soon!
flying on the winter wind,