Tuesday, February 26, 2013

*u* Hey Theeerrrr

Dwalin at your service~

lol hey guys~ how are you all?

Okay, regarding a couple of things:
First of all, I fixed the follower thing, so I'm pretty sure that you can follow the blog now. (I have 1 follower at the moment, but thousands of pageviews..... what's up with that?) and I think you're able to comment now at the bottom of each post. let me know on facebook if it doesn't work. I've seriously tried everything. Even looking up on google on how to add comments. \\rageragerage

So I've been quite the little gif queen lately. As you can see, there is at least one on each post so... yeah.
I took a screenshot of my desktop for you:

Just look at that face~  >\\w\\<  I just wanna snuggle him!

 You see the bunches of pictures and gifs? and the large space in the middle? (where the browser is) I cleaned it up yesterday and this is half of everything. I'm such an art hoarder.....  QvQ 

So I'm going to spill a bunch out here now! I think you'll enjoy them though~

Damn I'm looking forward to seeing this! *u*

I am literally going to destroy all the things.
All the things.
I am going to destroy them.


This is the avengers in one gif. *coughcoughfangasmcoughcough*

GIVE ME \\grabby hands
I would literally wear nothing else.

Because I want to forget.

Love you all and thanks for reading~~
Don't be shy, comment! I get lonely sometimes too. ; u ;



Friday, February 22, 2013

~Artist Feature~

Sup Hobbits.

This post is just one giant feature for amazing deviantart artists!
Just cause I need somewhere to save all my pictures from my desktop. If you knew.......no.

Okay~ So the first is ~Lolihime-sama
Disclaimer: None of the pictures belong to me, and the credit goes to the rightful owners on deviantart.com


Freakin A I want an icon from her so badddddddd

=> Her pixeling and eye style truly makes her the loli-sama sempai of us all. <3 her so bad.

Next is the amazing ~Mimru!

Sempai please teach me your ways m(-.-)m

There's nothing else to say except that she is a master in her ways. 

~Wonnysoup is next!

Her art in general is cute, beautiful and imaginative! So pretty~ *u*

And here's a bunch of other honorable mentions who's names evade me. \\goes to research names

LOL dunno I just love this.

Love you guyz~

Pilgrim out.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Back~

Hello you amazing and inspiring peeps!

Another day has passed and I just wanted to check in again with everyone and keep you all up to date~
Okay, so I connected with another person and now have sort of like a therapist over here who is totally casual, and a friend of the family, and can vent to her. So I was having a hard time last week/this week and so yesterday we both just went to get a cup of tea at starbucks and to talk. It was great, and I feel a lot better after getting everything off my shoulders. She has this adorable daughter who I just love, and they are both very sweet~ I'm happy that they are there for me. 


I've been making pixel icons lately, so if you visit my deviantart page here... : www.IpaiFlame.deviantart.com  .... you can see what they look like. ^7^

Today we did a practice AP exam in German, and of course I finished like 15 minutes before anyone else did. (later I found out that almost no one actually finished it..... you see what advantages I have here.) So that was interesting. Also, to learn a bit about the turkish-german relationships, we have been watching a movie called the Doener Connection. It's pretty good. I was working on a german film project with my classmate, and I got this sudden heat wave and my stomach hurt like H E L L. For no reason straight out of no where. It felt like the flu. It got a bit better after a while but it's still hurting a bit. Then my classmate Emilee offered to drive me back to the house, so that was extremely nice of her. After talking to her a bit more, she's a very nice person in general. ^u^ (she's a senior, and people at the age of 16 can start driving, don't forget.) So now I'm back and answering emails. >v<

Also, thank you so extremely much Bobi Wall for planning the meet up in Portland for me, it's just so great and amazing! I couldn't wish for anything more. >u< So YOU in SEATTLE and YOU in PORTLAND, I'm going to be there for a week in the spring break so let me know if you wish to meet up! Arigatou Gozaimasu~ 

Later. I'm out.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Feels

Those in my english class back in Germany will recognize the author.

Hi my beautiful cherry blossoms.

I'm sorry about the last post. I was very frustrated, and I feel as if this is the only place I can truly vent about these things. I don't really have anyone I can tell about these things. Not at school or outside....

Sometimes you hit a stopping point in your journey, and all that anger bottled up inside you come out all at once. It's like Pandora's box, you don't want to open it up and release it, because it might hurt someone other than yourself, but you have to eventually if you want to get rid of it. (or you learn the hard way and it opens all by itself.)

Everyone has to learn what their strengths are, and where they lay. You also learn who is truly on your side, and who's with you the whole way. Sometimes you just need to lay low for a while, and observe the world that you live in.

At the moment that's what I've been doing. Just observing. But now's a good time for me to get out there and establish my world. I'm gaining confidence, learning new things, making new friends, starting to become a more developed human being. Everyday is a new day for us to be just a little bit more than we are, and also a bit more of who we are supposed to be.

I've learned that I need to tell people what my problems are around me, instead of keeping them in my pandora's box in my heart.    

When you do that, it hurts.

I guess that this post has been inspirational in more than one way, for me and maybe for others.

I know how hard it is to move somewhere different, to start over in a new life, because I have done that several times more than I have liked to. This experience is just preparing me for later when I go to college, or art school or whatever else I choose to do. Every trial makes my fingers rougher, but even more experienced. Everyone will have their ordeals, but after every rain cloud, is a bright future just waiting for you. A bright cherry tree of happiness!

Love you all, and don't ever forget,
in every one of you resides a wonderful 
